Boot Camp partition preprocessing failed horrors

August 27, 2010

If you have the Boot Camp partition preprocessing failed VMWare Fusion error (which results in a resource busy) and have not solved it after reading all the VMWare forum posts there is a small chance this could help.

After I dropped my MacBook on the concrete floor I had to buy a new one. Restoring was easy since I had a recent SuperDuper! image.
However I never made a backup of my Windows 7 Bootcamp partition. Sometimes I ran that Bootcamp partition in VMWare.
So I decided to reinstall Windows 7 with the Boot Camp Assistant. After trying to import the Bootcamp partition in VMWare, I got the infamous Boot Camp partition preprocessing failed error.

Googling I found some possible solutions:

Unmounting Bootcamp partition or

Do a registry fix or

Deleting VMWare image

None one of those solutions helped. I tried installing Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 7 64 bit. This did not help either. I blame Apple for their usability in this case. My mistake was as follows:

When running the Bootcamp Assistant you will be asked to create a partition. After restarting in Windows installation mode you need to select a partition where to install Windows 7. When you select the partition that Bootcamp Assistant made for you it will say that that partition can not be used. So I deleted that partition and created a new one. Wrong!! Not wrong for Bootcamp or Windows, since that will work flawlessly, but wrong for VMWare because it won’t understand it.

Don’t delete and create a new one. Just format it! Doing that solved the VMWare preprocessing error.